2019 | Joker | | 8.5 / 10
2017 | W starym, dobrym stylu (Going in Style) | | 6.6 / 10
2017 | Król Artur: Legenda miecza (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) | | 6.7 / 10
2017 | Dom wygranych (House, The) | | 5.6 / 10
2017 | Ustawka (Fist Fight) | | 5.6 / 10
2016 | Siedmiu wspaniałych (Magnificent Seven, The) | | 6.9 / 10
2016 | Sully | | 7.4 / 10
2016 | Pasażerowie (Passengers) | | 7.0 / 10
2016 | Ukryte piękno (Collateral Beauty) | | 6.8 / 10
2016 | Tarzan: Legenda (Legend of Tarzan, The) | | 6.2 / 10
2015 | W samym sercu morza (In the Heart of the Sea) | | 6.9 / 10
2015 | Jupiter: Intronizacja (Jupiter Ascending) | | 5.3 / 10
2015 | Mad Max: Na drodze gniewu (Mad Max: Fury Road) | | 8.1 / 10
2015 | Wstrząs (Concussion) | | 7.1 / 10
2015 | Gęsia skórka (Goosebumps) | | 6.3 / 10
2015 | San Andreas | | 6.1 / 10
2014 | Sędzia (Judge, The) | | 7.4 / 10
2014 | LEGO: Przygoda (Lego Movie, The) | | 7.7 / 10
2014 | Snajper (American Sniper) | | 7.3 / 10
2014 | Epicentrum (Into the Storm) | | 5.8 / 10
2013 | Wielki Gatsby (Great Gatsby, The) | | 7.2 / 10
2013 | Gangster Squad. Pogromcy mafii (Gangster Squad, The) | | 6.7 / 10
2012 | Szczęściarz (Lucky One, The) | | 6.5 / 10
2012 | Mroczne cienie (Dark Shadows) | | 6.2 / 10
2011 | Sherlock Holmes: Gra cieni (Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows) | | 7.5 / 10
2009 | Sherlock Holmes | | 7.6 / 10
2009 | Gdzie mieszkają dzikie stwory (Where the Wild Things Are) | | 6.7 / 10
2008 | Speed Racer | | 5.7 / 10
2008 | Królowie ulicy (Street Kings) | | 6.8 / 10
2008 | Dorwać Smarta (Get Smart) | | 6.5 / 10
2008 | Noce w Rodanthe (Nights in Rodanthe) | | 6.0 / 10
2007 | Lucky You - Pokerowy blef (Lucky You) | | 5.9 / 10
2007 | Odważna (Brave One, The) | | 6.7 / 10
2007 | Prosto w serce (Music and Lyrics) | | 6.5 / 10
2007 | Plaga (Reaping, The) | | 5.6 / 10
2007 | Ocean's 13 (Ocean's Thirteen) | | 6.9 / 10
2007 | Licencja na miłość (License to Wed) | | 5.3 / 10
2007 | Życie od kuchni (No Reservations) | | 6.3 / 10
2007 | Inwazja (Invasion, The) | | 5.9 / 10
2006 | Dom nad jeziorem (Lake House, The) | | 6.8 / 10
2006 | Unaccompanied Minors | | 5.3 / 10
2006 | Firewall | | 5.8 / 10
2006 | Charlie i fabryka czekolady (Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) | | 6.6 / 10
2005 | Diukowie Hazzardu (Dukes of Hazzard, The) | | 5.1 / 10
2005 | Z ust do ust (Rumor Has It...) | | 5.5 / 10
2005 | Miss Agent 2: Uzbrojona i urocza (Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous) | | 5.1 / 10
2005 | Dom woskowych ciał (House of Wax) | | 5.4 / 10
2004 | Ocean's Twelve - Dogrywka (Ocean's Twelve) | | 6.5 / 10
2004 | Złodziej życia (Taking Lives) | | 6.3 / 10
2004 | Torque. Jazda na krawędzi (Torque) | | 4.1 / 10
2004 | Kobieta-Kot (Catwoman) | | 3.4 / 10
2003 | Matrix Rewolucje (Matrix Revolutions, The) | | 6.8 / 10
2003 | Matrix Reaktywacja (Matrix Reloaded, The) | | 7.2 / 10
2003 | Rzeka tajemnic (Mystic River) | | 7.9 / 10
2002 | Pluto Nash (Adventures of Pluto Nash, The) | | 3.8 / 10
2002 | Statek widmo (Ghost Ship) | | 5.5 / 10
2002 | Królowa potępionych (Queen of the Damned) | | 5.3 / 10
2002 | Nawrót depresji gangstera (Analyze That) | | 5.9 / 10
2002 | Showtime | | 5.5 / 10
2002 | Dwa tygodnie na miłość (Two Weeks Notice) | | 6.1 / 10
2001 | Ocean's Eleven: Ryzykowna gra (Ocean's Eleven) | | 7.7 / 10
1999 | Matrix (Matrix, The) | | 8.7 / 10