2017 | Wszystkie pieniądze świata (All the Money in the World) |
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2017 | Obcy: Przymierze (Alien: Covenant) |
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2016 | Morgan |
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2015 | Marsjanin (Martian, The) |
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2014 | Exodus: Bogowie i królowie (Exodus: Gods and Kings) |
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2011 | Killing Bono |
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2007 | Gol II: Żyjąc marzeniem (Goal II: Living the Dream) |
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2005 | Gol! (Goal!) |
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2003 | Johnny English |
2016 | Zaginione miasto Z (Lost City of Z, The) |
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2014 | Imperium robotów. Bunt człowieka (Robot Overlords) |
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2013 | Adwokat (Counselor, The) |
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2012 | Prometeusz (Prometheus) |
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2011 | Wasza Wysokość (Your Highness) |
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2008 | Mamma Mia! |
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2002 | Godziny (Hours, The) |