Data urodzenia: 1959
Miejsce urodzenia: India
2014 | Akademia wampirów (Vampire Academy) | 5.5 / 10 | |
2013 | Paranoja (Paranoia) | 5.7 / 10 | |
2013 | Wędrówki z dinozaurami 3D (Walking with Dinosaurs 3D) | 5.2 / 10 |
2020 | Greenland | 6.5 / 10 | |
2019 | Tuż po weselu (After the Wedding) | 6.3 / 10 | |
2019 | The Beach Bum | 5.5 / 10 | |
2018 | Replikanci (Replicas) | 5.5 / 10 | |
2018 | Van Gogh. U bram wieczności (At Eternity's Gate) | 6.9 / 10 | |
2017 | Bez snu (Sleepless) | 5.6 / 10 | |
2016 | Geniusz (Genius) | 6.6 / 10 | |
2014 | W dobrej wierze (Good Lie, The) | 7.4 / 10 | |
2014 | Akademia wampirów (Vampire Academy) | 5.5 / 10 | |
2013 | Czas zemsty (Dead Man Down) | 6.5 / 10 | |
2012 | Protektor (Safe) | 6.5 / 10 | |
2012 | Dredd 3D (Dredd) | 7.1 / 10 | |
2012 | Kula w łeb (Bullet to the Head) | 5.7 / 10 | |
2012 | Nieprzeciętny Henry (Jesus Henry Christ) | 6.4 / 10 |